

вторник, 26 август 2008 г.

Bulgaria air

За резервации на самолетни билети за България Еър посетете www.expedia.bg
Авиокомпания „България Ер“ (IATA код: FB; ICAO код: LZB) е българска авиационна компания, създадена от правителството на Симеон Сакскобургготски през декември 2002 г., един месец след фалита на авиокомпания “Балкан”.

Авиокомпания „България Ер“ ЕАД е член на международната система за разплащания между авиокомпаниите — ИАТА Клиринг хаус, в която е автоматизиран контролът върху приходите по отношение на издаване и отчитане на билети.

Компанията има сключени договори за съвместно опериране (Code share agreement) с „Чешки авиолинии“ и „Аерофлот“, както и сключени интерлайн договори с водещи европейски авиокомпании — „Ер Франс“ и „Луфтханза“.

Към 30 юни 2004 г. „България Ер“ ЕАД е назначен превозвач (носител на националния флаг) от българска страна до 22 държави и осъществява редовни международни полети до 15 от тях (Русия, Германия, Великобритания, Швейцария, Испания, Франция, Италия, Португалия, Чехия, Австрия, Холандия, Белгия, Дания, Швеция и Израел).

Авиокомпанията не разполага със собствени въздухоплавателни средства и не е в състояние в близко бъдеще да генерира приходи в размер, позволяващ подобни мащабни инвестиции. Към 1 юли 2003 г. авиопаркът на „България Ер“ се състои от 4 броя наети на лизинг самолети Боинг B 737-300, а към 4 март 2006 г. те са 5 броя Боинг 737-300 и 4 броя Боинг 737-500.

Първият полет на България Ер е осъществен на 4 декември 2002, по направление София — Лондон — Париж — София с 60 пътника на борда.

понеделник, 25 август 2008 г.

Евтини самолетни билети до Валенсия

Евтини самолетни билети до Валенсия
Директни полети на България Еър и Уиз Еър
За резервации



Бостън от 310 € * Чикаго от 320 € * Денвър от 450 € * Ню Йорк от 280 € * повече полети
* Вкл. данъци, такси и допълнителни такси
Dream дестинации в Азия Опитът магията на традиционните пазари за коприна, фин порцелан, билки и чай в Ориент.
Бангалор от 578 € * Ченай / Madras от 578 € * Делхи от 409 € * Хайдерабад от 578 € * повече полети
* С изключение на данъци, такси и допълнителни такси.
Dream дестинации в Азия Опитът магията на традиционните пазари за коприна, фин порцелан, билки и чай в Ориент.
Пекин от 359 € * Гуанджоу от 450 € * Нанжинг от 359 € * Шанхай от 399 € * повече полети
* С изключение на данъци, такси и допълнителни такси.
Открийте Европа Искате ли да посетите най-атрактивните градове в Европа? Резервирай сега да лети до много големи места за очарователни цени.
Амстердам от 99 € * Барселона от 99 € * Берлин от 129 € * Брюксел от 129 € * повече полети
* С изключение на данъци, такси и допълнителни такси. Малки отклонения може да се случи.
Полети до Германия с нас с новия ни Lufthansa Междинно тарифи можете да стигнете само на Германия от 99 €.
Берлин от 129 € * Дюселдорф от 99 € Франкфурт * / main от 99 € * Хамбург от 139 € * повече полети

British Airways

British Airways обяви няколко нови маршрути за летния сезон през 2008.

Повече информация
След нови маршрути ще бъде оперативна през лятото 2008 г.:

Лондон Gatwick до Генуа, Италия, BA2688. Генуа до Gatwick, BA2689.
Тези полети ще работят ежедневно, започващ 4-ти април 2008.

Лондон Gatwick до Анталия, Турция, BA2686. Анталия до Gatwick BA2687.
Тези полети ще оперират във вторник, четвъртък и неделя, започващ с 10-ти април 2008.

Lerwick, Шетландските острови до Берген, Норвегия BA8863. Берген да Lerwick BA8864.
Тези полети ще се извършват във вторник и събота от 10 юни до 30 август 2008.

Лондон Gatwick до Познан, Полша, BA2690. Познан да Gatwick BA2691.
Тези полети ще работят ежедневно, започващ 30 март 2008.

Лондон Heathrow до Малага, BA496. Малага до Heathrow BA497.
Тази услуга ще работят ежедневно, започващ 30 март 2008.

British Airways

British Airways обяви няколко нови маршрути за летния сезон през 2008.

Повече информация
Следните услуги ще бъде управлявана от British Airways от Лондон Gatwick (преди управлявана от GB Airways).
Лондон Gatwick до Аликанте, BA2724. Аликанте до Gatwick BA2725.
Полети ще работят ежедневно, започващ 30 март 2008.
Лондон Gatwick да Фаро, BA2694/BA2696. Фаро да Gatwick BA2695/2697.
BA2694 / 5 ще работят ежедневно с изключение на понеделник, BA2696 / 7, ще работят ежедневно, започващ 30 март 2008.
Лондон Gatwick до Гибралтар, BA2494. Гибралтар до Gatwick BA2495.
Полети ще работят ежедневно, започващ 30 март 2008.
Лондон Gatwick до Ибиса, BA2728. Ибиса до Gatwick BA2727.
Полети ще работят ежедневно, започващ 1 юни 2008.
Лондон Gatwick до Малага, BA2712/2714. Малага до Gatwick BA2711/2713.
Полети ще оперират два пъти на ден, започващ 30 март 2008.
Лондон Gatwick до Малта, BA2872. Малта до Gatwick BA2871.
Полети ще работят ежедневно, започващ 30 март 2008
Лондон Gatwick до Палма, Majorca, BA2708. Палма до Gatwick BA2703.
Полети ще работят ежедневно, започващ 30 март 2008.
Лондон Gatwick до Пафос, Кипър, BA2868. Пафос да Gatwick BA2867.
Полети ще работи ежедневно от 1 юли до 25 октомври 2008.
Лондон Gatwick до Тунис, BA2886. Тунис до Gatwick BA2887.
Полети ще работят ежедневно с изключение на вторник и четвъртък, започващ 30 март 2008

Strasbourg International Airport

Strasbourg International Airport, F-67960, Entzheim, France
Location: The airport is located 15km (9 miles) southwest of Strasbourg city centre
Website: www.strasbourg.aeroport.fr/
E-mail: aeroport.information@strasbourg.cci.fr
Telephone: (0)3 88 64 67 67
Country Code: 33
Time Zone: GMT + 1 (GMT + 2 from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October)
Number of Terminals: 1

Paris Orly Airport

Paris Orly Airport, Orly Sud 103, 94396 Orly Aérogare, France
Location: The airport is located 14km (9 miles) south of Paris
Website: www.adp.fr
E-mail: None
Telephone: (0)1 4975 1515
Country Code: 33
Time Zone: GMT + 1 (GMT + 2 from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October)
Number of Terminals: 2
Transfer Between Terminals: Free shuttle buses run between the two terminals.

Charles de Gaulle Airport

Paris Roissy Charles de Gaulle Airport, BP 20101, 95711, Roissy Charles de Gaulle, France
Location: The airport is located 23km (14 miles) northeast of Paris
Website: www.adp.fr
E-mail: webmaster@adp.fr
Telephone: (0)1 4862 2280 or 1212
Country Code: 33
Time Zone: GMT + 1 (GMT + 2 from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October)
Number of Terminals: 3
Transfer Between Terminals: Terminals 1, 2 and 3 are linked by free shuttle buses.

Nice Côte d'Azur Airport

Nice Côte d'Azur Airport, 06281 Nice Cédex 3, France
Location: The airport is located 7km (4 miles) west of Nice
Website: www.nice.aeroport.fr
E-mail: espacerelationclientANCA@cote-azur.cco.fr
Telephone: (0)8 2042 3333 (France) or (0)4 8988 9828 (international)
Country Code: 33
Time Zone: GMT + 1 (GMT + 2 from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October)
Number of Terminals: 2
Transfer Between Terminals: A free airport shuttle links the terminals and car parks.

Marseille Provence Airport

Marseille Provence Airport, CCI Marseille-Provence, BP 7 Aéroport, 13727 Marignane Cédex, France
Location: The airport is located 25km (16 miles) from Marseille
E-mail: contact@mrsairport.com
Telephone: (0)4 4214 1414
Country Code: 33
Time Zone: GMT + 1 (GMT + 2 from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October)
Number of Terminals: 3. In addition to the new budget mp2 terminal, there are standard domestic and international terminals at the airport.
Transfer Between Terminals: The three terminals (domestic, international and low cost) are within walking distance of each other.

Lyon Saint Exupéry Airport

Lyon Saint Exupéry Airport, BP 113, 69125 Lyon, France
Location: The airport is located 24km (15 miles) from Lyon
Website: www.lyon.aeroport.fr
E-mail: None
Telephone: (0)4 2600 7007 or (0)4 7222 7221
Country Code: 33
Time Zone: GMT + 1 (GMT + 2 from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October)
Number of Terminals: 2
Transfer Between Terminals: The two terminals are within walking distance. A free shuttle bus also links the two terminals and the long-stay car parks.

Bordeaux Airport

Bordeaux Airport, Cédex 40, 33700, Mérignac, France
Location: The airport is situated 12km (7.5 miles) from Bordeaux
Website: www.bordeaux.aeroport.fr
E-mail: info@bordeaux.aeroport.fr
Telephone: (0)5 5634 5050
Country Code: 33
Time Zone: GMT + 1 (GMT + 2 from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October)
Number of Terminals: 2
Transfer Between Terminals: The two terminals (A and B) are connected by a covered walkway.

Helsinki-Vantaa Airport

Helsinki-Vantaa Airport, PO Box 29, FIN-01531 Vantaa, Finland
Location: The airport is located 18km (11 miles) north of Helsinki
Website: www.helsinki-vantaa.fi
E-mail: information.efhk@fcaa.fi
Telephone: (0)9 82771 or 61511
Country Code: 358
Time Zone: GMT + 2 (GMT + 3 from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October)
Number of Terminals: 2
Transfer Between Terminals: The International and Domestic terminals are only 250m (274 yards) apart and are linked by an internal walkway.

Cairo International Airport

Cairo International Airport, Oruba Road, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt
Location: The airport is located 22km (13.5 miles) northeast of Cairo
Website: www.cairo-airport.com
E-mail: ciap@idsc.net.eg
Telephone: (0)2 291 4255
Country Code: 202
Time Zone: GMT + 2 (GMT + 3 from the last Friday in April to the first Friday in October)
Number of Terminals: 2
Transfer Between Terminals: A free shuttle bus links the two terminals, which are about 3km (2 miles) apart.

Copenhagen Airport

Address: Copenhagen Airport A/S, PO Box 74, Lufthavnsboulevarden 6, DK 2770 Kastrup, Denmark
Location: The airport is located 8km (5 miles) southeast of Copenhagen
Website: www.cph.dk
E-mail: cphweb@cph.dk or via the airport's website
Telephone: (0)32 313 231
Country Code: 45
Time Zone: GMT + 1 (GMT + 2 from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October)
Number of Terminals: 3
Transfer Between Terminals: A free transit bus connects all three terminals. Terminals 1 and 2 are connected by a corridor in Pier A.

Prague Ruzyne Airport

Address: Airport Prague, Prague Ruzyne Airport, 160 08 Prague 6, Czech Republic
Location: The airport is located 20km (12 miles) northwest of Prague
Website: www.prg.aero/en/site/klient/klient_index.htm
E-mail: info@prg.aero
Telephone: (0)2 2011 3314/321
Country Code: 420
Time Zone: GMT + 1 (GMT + 2 from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October)
Number of Terminals: 4
Transfer Between Terminals: Transfer between the terminals is by bus, minibus or taxi.

Larnaca International Airport

Address: Larnaca International Airport, 7130 Larnaca, Cyprus TELEPHONE: (0)24 816 130
Location: The airport is located 5km (3 miles) from Larnaca
E-mail: None
Telephone: (0)24 816 130
Country Code: 357
Time Zone: GMT+ 2 (GMT + 3 from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October)
Number of Terminals: 1

José Martí International Airport

Address: José Martí International Airport, Avenida Van Troy y final, Rancho Boyeros, Havana City, Cuba
Location: The airport is located 15km (9 miles) southwest of Havana.
E-mail: None
Telephone: (07) 649 5777 or (07) 266 4644
Country Code: + 53
Time Zone: GMT – 5 (GMT – 4 from first Sunday in April to Saturday before second Sunday in October).
Number of Terminals: 3, plus an extra terminal operated only by Aerocaribbean.
Transfer Between Terminals: There is a bus service between the terminals.

Pudong International Airport

Address: Pudong International Airport, Pudong New Area, Shanghai 201202, China
Location: The airport is located 30km (19 miles) from central Shanghai
Website: www.shanghaiairport.com
E-mail: None
Telephone: (0)21 6834 1000
Country Code: 86
Time Zone: GMT + 8
Number of Terminals: 2

Hong Qiao International Airport

Address: Hong Qiao International Airport, Hong Qiao Lu 2550, Shanghai, China 200335
Location: The airport is located 13km (8 miles) southwest of Shanghai city centre.
Website: www.shanghaiairport.com
Telephone: (0)21 6268 8899 or 6268 8918/9
Country Code: 86
Time Zone: GMT + 8
Number of Terminals: 1

Beijing Capital International Airport

Address: Beijing Capital International Airport, Airport Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100621, China
Location: The airport is located 28km (18 miles) northeast of Beijing
Website: www.bcia.com.cn
E-mail: Via the airport's website
Telephone: (0)10 6456 3220 or 4247 or 3604
Country Code: 86
Time Zone: GMT + 8
Number of Terminals: 2
Transfer Between Terminals: Shuttle buses run between the two terminals.

Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport

Address: Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport, Casilla 79 Correo Aeropuerto Internacional, Santiago, Chile
Location: The airport is located 17km (11 miles) northwest of Santiago
Website: www.aeropuertosantiago.cl
E-mail: None
Telephone: (0)2 690 1900 or 690 1752/3
Country Code: 56
Time Zone: GMT - 4 (GMT - 3 from the first Sunday in April to the last Sunday in October)
Number of Terminals: 2
Transfer Between Terminals: The National and International Terminals are housed in the same building and are internally connected by a passageway, lifts, stairs and hallways.

Vancouver International Airport

Address: Vancouver International Airport Authority PO Box 23750, Airport Postal Outlet, Richmond, British Columbia V7B 1Y7, Canada
Location: The airport is located 13km (8 miles) south of Vancouver
Website: www.yvr.ca
E-mail: Via the airport's website
Telephone: 604 207 7077
Country Code: 1
Time Zone: GMT - 8 (GMT - 7 from the first Sunday in April to the last Sunday in October)
Number of Terminals: 3
Transfer Between Terminals: The glass corridor walkway, known as the ‘Link', connects the International and Domestic terminals. A free shuttle runs between the International and Domestic terminals and the South Terminal.

Toronto Pearson International Airport

Address: Toronto Pearson International Airport, PO Box 6031, 3111 Convair Drive, Toronto AMF, Ontario L5P 1B2, Canada
Location: The airport is located 27km (17 miles) northwest of Toronto
Website: www.gtaa.com
E-mail: c_relations@gtaa.com
Telephone: 416 247 7678 (AIRPORT)
Country Code: 1
Time Zone: GMT - 5 (GMT - 4 from the first Sunday in April to the last Sunday in October)
Number of Terminals: 3
Transfer Between Terminals: The free LINK inter-terminal shuttle buses are available on the Departures level of the terminals.

Montreal-Trudeau Airport

Address: Montréal-Trudeau Airport, 975 Roméo-Vachon Boulevard North, Suite 317, Montréal, Québec H4Y 1H1, Canada
Location: The airport is located 25km (16 miles) west of Montréal
Website: www.admtl.com
E-mail: Via the airport's website
Telephone: 514 394 7377
Country Code: 1
Time Zone: GMT - 5 (GMT - 4 from the fisrt Sunday in April to the last Sunday in October)
Number of Terminals: 1

Halifax International Airport

Address: Halifax International Airport, 1 Bell Boulevard, Enfield, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2T 1K2
Location: The airport is located 35km (21 miles) north of Halifax
Website: www.www.halifax-airport.com
E-mail: info@hiaa.ca
Telephone: 902 873 4422
Country Code: 1
Time Zone: GMT - 4 (GMT - 3 from the first Sunday in April to the last Sunday in October)
Number of Terminals: 1

Calgary International Airport

Address: Calgary International Airport, 2000 Airport Road NE, Calgary, Alberta T2E 6W5, Canada
Location: The airport is located 20km (12.5 miles) northeast of Calgary
Website: www.calgaryairport.com
E-mail: calgaryairport@yyc.com
Telephone: 403 735 1200
Country Code: 1
Time Zone: GMT - 7 (GMT - 6 from the first Sunday in April to the last Sunday in October)
Number of Terminals: 1

São Paulo-Guarulhos International Airport

Address: São Paulo-Guarulhos International Airport, Infraero, PO Box 3061, Guarulhos, São Paulo 07141-970, Brazil
Location: The airport is located 25km (18 miles) northeast of São Paulo
Website: www.infraero.gov.br
E-mail: None
Telephone: (0)11 6445 2945
Country Code: 55
Time Zone: GMT- 3 (GMT- 2 from the third Sunday in October to the third Sunday in February)
Number of Terminals: 2
Transfer Between Terminals: The two terminals are situated close enough together for passengers to access them on foot.

Rio de Janeiro-Galeão

Address: Rio de Janeiro-Galeão, Infraero-Empresa Brasileira de Infra-Estrurura Aeroportuaria, 21942-900, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Location: The airport is located 20km (13 miles) north of Rio de Janeiro
Website: www.infraero.gov.br
E-mail: carlos_henrique@infraero.gov.br
Telephone: (0)21 3398 4526 or 2155
Country Code: 55
Time Zone: GMT- 3 (GMT- 2 from the third Sunday in October to the third Sunday in February)
Number of Terminals: 2
Transfer Between Terminals: The two terminals are linked by a travelator.

Brasilia International Airport

Address: Brasilia International Airport – Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek, Brasilia (DF), Brazil
Location: The airport is located 11km (7 miles) south of Brasilia
Website: www.infraero.gov.br
E-mail: aib@infraero.gov.br
Telephone: (0)61 364 9000
Country Code: 55
Time Zone: GMT- 3 (GMT- 2 from the third Sunday in October to the third Sunday in February)
Number of Terminals: 2
Transfer Between Terminals: There is a shuttle service between the terminals.

Brussels International

Address: Brussels International Airport Company (BIAC), Brussels Airport, B-1930 Zaventem, Belgium
Location: The airport is located 12km (8 miles) northeast of Brussels
Website: www.brusselsairport.be
E-mail: info@biac.be
Telephone: 0900 70000 (within Belgium) or (0)2 753 7753 (outside Belgium)
Country Code: 32
Time Zone: GMT + 1 (GMT + 2 from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October)
Number of Terminals: 1

Sydney Airport

Address: Sydney Airports Corporation Limited, PO Box 63, Mascot, NSW 1460, Australia
Location: The airport is located 9km (6 miles) south of Sydney
Website: www.sydneyairport.com.au
E-mail: webmaster@syd.com.au or via the airport's website
Telephone: (0)2 9667 9111
Country Code: 61
Time Zone: GMT + 10 (GMT + 11 from the last Sunday in October to the last Sunday in March)
Number of Terminals: 3
Transfer Between Terminals: An underground Airport Link connects the International and Domestic terminals. Kingsford Smith Transport buses operate frequent services between the terminals. Travellers changing between domestic and international flights (either way) may be eligible for the Qantas Seamless Transfer (tel: 13133) service.

Perth Airport

Address: Perth Airport, Westralia Airports Corporation Pty Ltd, PO Box 6, Cloverdale, WA 6985, Australia
Location: The airport is located 12km (7.5 miles) northeast of Perth
Website: www.perthairport.com
E-mail: perthairport@wac.com.au
Telephone: (0)8 9478 8888
Country Code: 61
Time Zone: GMT + 8
Number of Terminals: 2
Transfer Between Terminals: Transfer between the International and Domestic terminals is by shuttle bus or taxi. For more information on terminal transfers, contact the Ground Transport Services (tel: (0)8 9229 8811).

Melbourne Airport

Address: Melbourne Airport, Locked Bag 16, Gladstone Park, Victoria 3043, Australia
Location: The airport is located 25km (15 miles) northwest of Melbourne
Website: www.melair.com.au
E-mail: reception@melair.com.au
Telephone: (0)3 9297 1600
Country Code: 61
Time Zone: GMT + 10 (GMT + 11 from the last Sunday in October to the last Sunday in March)
Number of Terminals: 3
Transfer Between Terminals: The terminals are all located within the same complex and are linked by walkways.

Brisbane Airport

Address: Brisbane Airport, Banksia Place, Brisbane Airport, Queensland 4007, Australia
Location: The airport is located 13km (8 miles) northeast of Brisbane
Website: www.brisbaneairport.com.au
E-mail: info@bne.com.au
Telephone: (0)7 3406 3000
Country Code: 61
Time Zone: GMT + 10
Number of Terminals: 2
Transfer Between Terminals: The inter-terminal shuttle connects the Domestic and International terminals and is operated by Airtrain (tel: (0)7 3216 3308; website: www.airtrain.com.au ).

Adelaide Airport Limited

Address: Adelaide Airport Limited, 1 James Schofield Drive, Adelaide International Airport, South Australia 5950, Australia
Location: The airport is located 6km (4 miles) west of Adelaide city centre
Website: www.aal.com.au
E-mail: airport@aal.com.au
Telephone: (0)8 8308 9211
Country Code: 61
Time Zone: GMT + 9.5 (GMT + 10.5 from the last Sunday in October to the last Sunday in March)
Number of Terminals: 1

Vienna International Airport

Address: Vienna International Airport, PO Box 1, A-1300 Wien Flughafen, Austria
Location: The airport is located 16km (10 miles) southeast of the city
Website: www.viennaairport.com
E-mail: m@viennaairport.com
Telephone: (0)1 70070
Country Code: 43
Time Zone: GMT + 1 (GMT + 2 from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October)
Number of Terminals: 2
Transfer Between Terminals: Both terminals are housed in one building and are within walking distance of each other.

Ministro Pistarini International Airport

Address: Ministro Pistarini International Airport, Ezeiza, Aut. Richieri S/N, CP 1802, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Location: The airport is located at Ezeiza, 35km (21 miles) southwest of Buenos Aires
Website: www.aa2000.com.ar
E-mail: Via the airport's website
Telephone: (0)11 5480 6111
Country Code: 54
Time Zone: GMT - 3
Number of Terminals: 2
Transfer Between Terminals: The terminals are within walking distance of each other.

V. C. Bird International Airport (ANU)

Address: V C Bird International Airport, PO Box 1051, St John's, Antigua
Location: The airport is located 8km (5 miles) northeast of St John's
E-mail: vcbia@candw.he
Telephone: 268 462 0358
Country Code: 1
Time Zone: GMT - 4
Number of Terminals: 1